Ok... So I know I'm not the first person to think "what if I created an online journal of the things I encounter on my journey through life as a way to organize my thoughts? And what if I discovered through that that I have this amazing ability to write with just the right mixture of interest, wit, humor, sarcasm and sensitivity? What if I shared my journal with people that I loved the most and what if they shared it with people they knew because they thought it was a great journal?"
I think I've managed long enough without having a blog of my own. After all, isn't it the hip thing to do? Or heck....maybe I missed the cool train by a few stops and will be "so yesterday". Regardless, I think I have something interesting to share. Or maybe it's that once people get a blog amazing things start to happen to them. Hmmmm....interesting perspective.
In any case, I've created this blog with the primary purpose of it being a nice way to collect my ideas, my thoughts, my experiences so that I don't have to search around for a piece of scrap paper or try to remember where I saw something that inspired me. Oh who am I kidding.....it'll be much better than overloading my friends Facebook feeds with pictures and posts about the amazing dinner I just made or the sinful cake that I just devoured. LOL. And while I'm doing it for my own enjoyment it would be cool if my blog was a place that other people found themselves laughing, creating, cooking and being inspired right along with.
So there you have it. My first post. On a blog that took me too long to finally do. I hope that within one of these posts a spark ignites and you find an inner cook you never knew was there. Maybe you'll finally be inspired to create a handmade card for someone you love. Or maybe you'll be intrigued at how much you could save on your grocery bill simply by clipping a few coupons and a little planning!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy this as much as I hope I do!
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